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Rob Cabrera is a driven professional and craftsman who’s management and technical experience spans over a career of 22 years in cartography, land surveying and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). He is extremely proficient in cultivating team resolve to complete extremely difficult tasks. Whether it was coordinating crews in the Everglades or GIS/LIS (Land Information Systems) projects in the Catskills, Rob’s tenacity and focus on the mission is contagious. 

In his current position as Division Director of Outlier Knife Company the terrain has changed but the mission and objectives are the same! Execute craftsmanship and durability with extreme precision and tenacity to deliver a quality product that the end user can share and pass on from generation to generation. This is achieved in the Outlier shop every day by taking the lessons learned over 2 decades of detail-driven passion for high-quality work, turning it into steel, and putting it into your hands.

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